Dear all,

We are writing to inform you about a school and workshop titled “Homological Methods in Algebra and Geometry”. The first week will consist of three minicourses. The second week will comprise of research talks on these topics. The school and workshop are funded and supported by AIMS-Ghana and the ICTP.

Dates: 1st -12th of August 2016
Location: AIMS-Ghana, Biriwa, Ghana

The goals of the conference are twofold: on the one hand, to inspire the communication of state-of-the-art research within these flourishing areas and the exchange of ideas between them. On the other hand, to give African postgraduates and researchers the opportunity to get in touch with international experts in order to help them enter one of these fields.

Some funding is available to cover travel and local costs of participants. Preference will be given to those based in the region. Please consult the website for information on how to apply and register.


Brent Everitt (University of York)
Khovanov homology and categorification,

Paul Smith (University of Washington)
Noncommutative algebraic geometry,

Geordie Williamson (Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn)
Geometric representation theory.


Gwyn Bellamy (University of Glasgow),
Tomasz Brzezinski (University of Swansea),
Alastair Craw (TBC) (University of Bath),
Joshua Greene (Boston College),
Peter Jorgensen (University of Newcastle),
Joe Karmazyn (University of Bath),
Aaron Lauda (University of Southern California),
Andrew Lobb (University of Durham),
Shinnosuke Okawa (Osaka University),
Sarah Scherotzke (University of Bonn),
Sue Sierra (University of Edinburgh),
Anne-Laure Thiel (University of Bourgogne),
Hokuto Uehara (Tokyo Metropolitan University),
Chelsea Walton (Temple University),
Liam Watson (University of Glasgow).

Looking forward to seeing you in Ghana!

Tarig Abdelgadir, Emmanuel Essel, Ulrich Kraehmer, Prince Osei

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