UCT MAM1000 lecture notes part 20 – part iii – Monday 17th August
Now we’re going to take a more complicated expression and approximate it by a polynomial function. The function we’re going to look at is , but we could choose any function which is well behaved close to where we want to approximate it (there is a much more precise way to phrase this, but for the current discussion, this is enough).
This function looks like:
OK, so how are we going to go about approximating this function? Well, let’s ask about approximating it close to the point (this value is arbitrary and we could have asked for any value). What would be the most naive approximation we could make? Well, if we have a function which is a constant, and equal to the original function at then that’s a start. At least it matches the value of the function at that point, if nothing else. What is the value of this function at ?…