UCT MAM1000 lecture notes 1 (part ii) – integration by substitution – review.
This is just a quick reminder. If you find any of this confusing, there is a very important trick for making it easier – practice, practice, practice! It doesn’t take years to master this, it takes a few hours every week for a few weeks. You will become more and more familiar with the techniques and learn intuitively to know which technique to use in which situation.
Let’s start with the very basics.
If , what is its derivative? ie. how do we find a function
such that:
The answer of course is . We use our normal differentiation rules which you should now be very familiar with. How about if I told you that there was some function
whose derivative was
– ie. we reversed the question:
What is a function whose gradient at a point is
How do you find what is? We are trying to solve the equation
for .…