About Sophie Marques

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So far Sophie Marques has created 2 blog entries.

What is mathematics?

Below you find some thoughts on this wide question, I encourage you to think about. What is your vision of mathematics? It will be most probably the result of your own experience with the subject, traumas that happened along the way and realizing that, could make you more conscious about your relationship with the subject and the walls you might have built against the subject or part of the subject. In a sense, by understanding the bias and blockage, by objectively thinking about its value, you could allow yourself to be able to equip yourself with the full set of skills mathematics gives you to build your own greatest life.

Many of thoughts in the following around this topic are taken from the paper I recommend to read: Teaching and Learning “What is Mathematics and why we should ask, where one should experience and learn that and how to teach it”, by Gunter M.…

By | December 16th, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Reasoning and making sense: a pillar of mathematics?

An essential part of learning mathematics is about reasoning and making sense. What does this exactly mean?

When a student is given a problem, he needs to make sense of it, from his level of perceptive which is unique to each individual. This will come with big struggle, and the important next step is to stay motivated, curious, be extremely perseverant and not give up after the first few attempts. This might also require a good relationship with mistakes.

A students will have to develop his own strategy to solve a given problem. That might imply first to translate it in their own language, use their own words and knowledge background to get (understand) the actual question and problem they are attempting to solve.

They will have to build bridge in their mind to similar problem they have solve in the past even though they might seem different. This bridge will be easier and easier to connect with practice and experience and sometimes might not work and some other connections will need to be created until finding a suitable one.…

By | December 16th, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments