UCT MAM1000 lecture notes part 36 – differential equations part v – first order differential equations
First order linear differential equations
We are now going to deal with another subset of first order differential equations which in some ways are easier than the previous and in other ways more complicated. These are linear first order differential equations. The general form of a first order linear differential equation is:
where and are any functions of .
Very importantly, I’m leaving off the fact that is dependent on in the notation, but you should remember that this is really and that is the function you are trying to solve for.
Sometimes you will be given an equation which is not obviously in this form but it can be transformed to this form. For instance:
This can easily be transformed into the canonical form for a linear first order DE. We are going to try and rewrite the left hand side of the equation in a form which will mean that we can solve the differential equation very easily.…